About Us
Jashim Uddin Nursing College is approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council and Dhaka University affiliate have been successfully operated since 2016.
Dhaka University and Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council have conducted semester methods, test methods, exam evaluation and educational programs according to the rules.
Jashim Uddin is conducting their academic activities in two well-being buildings at Nursing College. There are about 650 students and teachers, teachers, experts, senior doctors, nurses, and 50 teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, nurses, junior instructors (nurses), lecturers, and speakers. And in the sole effort of this skilled and working teacher-teacher church, students of this organization have been doing credible results in all exams held under Dhaka University and Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council. The passing students are spreading 100% employment by ensuring their own initiative and with the help of Jashim Uddin Nursing College Job Placement Department.
One of the basic needs of people is treatment. And in 2016, Jashim Uddin Nursing College established some entrepreneurs Jamalpur city to reach the disaster of this medical service and provide quality health care to people. The company is approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Government and affiliated with the Bangladesh State Medical Faculty.
Currently Running the Institute:-
* 4 Years B.Sc in Nursing (Basic) Course
* 2 years B.Sc in Nursing (Post Basic) Course
* 3-year Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery
* 3-year Diploma in Midwifery Course
Admission Qualification:-
BSC in Nursing-HSC Pass from the science department.
Diploma Nursing – HSC passes from all departments.
In conjunction with the era, all digital education materials of modern teaching are conducted by theoretical and practical classes. Each subject has different specialist doctors, skilled and experienced installers, classrooms with all physical opportunities. The practical class includes large libraries with anatomy labs, physiology labs, pathology and microbiology labs, midwifery labs, nursing, labs, surgical labs, community labs, community labs, nutrition labs and computer and subject-based books.
Students of Jashim Uddin Nursing College can do clinical practice and internship at the 250-bed general hospital in Jamalpur. To dedicate yourself to health care